Perreyia lepida Brullé, 1846:661, ♀. Syntype ♀, l’Amérique méridionale; Schmidt & Smith, 2006Schmidt, S. & Smith, D.R. 2006. An annotated systematic world catalogue of the Pergidae (Hymenoptera). Contributions of the American Entomological Institute 34 (3):1-207., Type probably lost.
Brachytoma vitellina Westwood, 1874:110, ♀. ♀, Brazilia (Mus. Hopeiano Oxoniae). Synonymized with Perreyia lepida Brullé, 1846 by Benson & Conde, 1938Benson, R.B. & Conde, O. 1938. Revision der neotropischen Perreyiinae (Hym. Tenthredinidae). Revista de Entomologia (Rio de Janeiro) 9:121-154.:150. - As Paraperreyia vitellina: - Malaise, 1937Malaise, R. 1937. Gattungstabelle sowie neue Arten und Gattungen der Unterfamilie Perreyiinae (Hym. Tenthred.). Entomologisk Tidskrift 58:60-65.:64 (comb. nov.). - As Perreyia vitellina: - Kirby, 1882Kirby, W.F. 1882. List of Hymenoptera, with descriptions and figures of the typical specimens in the British Museum. Vol. I. Tenthredinidae and Siricidae. London: British Museum :xxviii + 450 pp., pls i-vi.:91 (comb. nov.); Dalla Torre, 1894Dalla Torre, C.G. 1894. Catalogus Hymenopterorum. Vol. I: Tenthredinidae incl. Uroceridae (Phyllophaga & Xylophaga). G. Engelmann, 459. (distribution).
Perreyia dorsuaria Konow, 1899c:407, ♀.Brazil: Rio Grande do Sul, Lectotype ♀ (MACN), designated by Smith, 1990Smith, D.R. 1990. A synopsis of the sawflies (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) of America south of the United States: Pergidae. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 34:7-200.:60. Synonymized with Perreyia lepida Brullé, 1846 by Benson & Conde, 1938Benson, R.B. & Conde, O. 1938. Revision der neotropischen Perreyiinae (Hym. Tenthredinidae). Revista de Entomologia (Rio de Janeiro) 9:121-154.:150. - As Brachytoma dorsuaria: - Konow, 1905aKonow, F.W. 1905a. Familie Tenthredinidae. Wytsman, P., Genera Insectorum. Fasc. 29. 176 pp. :.:41 (comb. nov.). - As Lophyroides dorsuaria: - Rohwer, 1922Rohwer, S.A. 1922. Notes and descriptions of Neotropical sawflies of the subfamily Perreyiinae. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 59:161-167. (distribution), 164 (comb. nov.). - As Paraperreyia dorsuaria: - Malaise, 1937Malaise, R. 1937. Gattungstabelle sowie neue Arten und Gattungen der Unterfamilie Perreyiinae (Hym. Tenthred.). Entomologisk Tidskrift 58:60-65.:64 (comb. nov.).
Perreyia extensoria Konow, 1899c:408, ♀.Venezuela, Lectotype ♀ (DEIC), designated by Smith, 1990Smith, D.R. 1990. A synopsis of the sawflies (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) of America south of the United States: Pergidae. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 34:7-200.:61. Synonymized with Perreyia lepida Brullé, 1846 by Benson & Conde, 1938Benson, R.B. & Conde, O. 1938. Revision der neotropischen Perreyiinae (Hym. Tenthredinidae). Revista de Entomologia (Rio de Janeiro) 9:121-154.:150. - As Brachytoma extensoria: - Konow, 1905aKonow, F.W. 1905a. Familie Tenthredinidae. Wytsman, P., Genera Insectorum. Fasc. 29. 176 pp. :.:41 (comb. nov.).
Perreyia persimilis Konow, 1899c:407, ♀.Brazil: Santos, Lectotype ♀ (DEIC), designated by Smith, 1990Smith, D.R. 1990. A synopsis of the sawflies (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) of America south of the United States: Pergidae. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 34:7-200.:61. Synonymized with Perreyia lepida Brullé, 1846 by Benson & Conde, 1938Benson, R.B. & Conde, O. 1938. Revision der neotropischen Perreyiinae (Hym. Tenthredinidae). Revista de Entomologia (Rio de Janeiro) 9:121-154.:150. - As Brachytoma persimilis: - Konow, 1905aKonow, F.W. 1905a. Familie Tenthredinidae. Wytsman, P., Genera Insectorum. Fasc. 29. 176 pp. :.:41 (comb. nov.).
Perreyia alvina Konow, 1899c:408, ♀. Syntype ♀, Brazil: Santa Catharina. Synonymized with Perreyia lepida Brullé, 1846 by Benson & Conde, 1938Benson, R.B. & Conde, O. 1938. Revision der neotropischen Perreyiinae (Hym. Tenthredinidae). Revista de Entomologia (Rio de Janeiro) 9:121-154.:150. - As Brachytoma alvina: - Konow, 1905aKonow, F.W. 1905a. Familie Tenthredinidae. Wytsman, P., Genera Insectorum. Fasc. 29. 176 pp. :.:41 (comb. nov.).
Paraperreyia grandis Schrottky, 1915:5, ♀.Paraguay: Puerto Cantera, Lectotype ♀ (MNRJ), designated by Smith, 1990Smith, D.R. 1990. A synopsis of the sawflies (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) of America south of the United States: Pergidae. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 34:7-200.:61. - As Lophyroides grandis: - Rohwer, 1922Rohwer, S.A. 1922. Notes and descriptions of Neotropical sawflies of the subfamily Perreyiinae. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 59:161-167.:163 (comb. nov.).